Day 25
Final un-Wrap of the Holidays
Now that you've (hopefully) unwrapped all your gifts and are entering the final countdown to the New Year, I thought I would take this last opportunity to open up my list of 25 things to love about the Disneyland Resort. Some of these may be things that you have experienced and some may not be your "cup of tea". If you have not been to the resort in a long time then take a moment to be there virtually, while you sip on your hot cocoa. Enjoy the list.
Imagination. Don't you just love that we even have a place like this? What would the world be like today had Walt Disney not imagined a park where he could take his daughters. Sure it's changed a lot over the last 5+ decades, but what hasn't? I know that I am forever grateful to the imagination of one man and the continued dedication of thousands of subsequent men and women who believe in that imagination.
Belief. I love the fact that you can be a kid again, no mater how old you really are, and do all the things that kids love to do. Do you want to ride around in a full scale train set? Done! Do you want to ride a boat with a pirate or have an adventure on an abandoned pirate island? Done! Would you like to go under the ocean waters with a cute little clown fish or visit a mermaid with a wish to be part of another world? Done & Done! Or maybe you just want to have a quiet cup of tea with your favorite nanny. That is most assuredly done in the most Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious way!
Character. It comes in many forms. But one of the things I love about the resort is the chance to meet some of the characters. Many people will get the chance to meet Mickey, Minnie, Goofy or Donald. Some may even have to opportunity to meet Tinkerbell, Buzz Lightyear or a favorite Princess. Each day the parks offer multiple meet and greet chances all around. And, for those who are really lucky, we get rare visits from little seen characters from time to time. I love that.
Streetmosphere. Disney has made an art form out of combining common everyday entertainment with the urban tradition of street performance. What they have created has been enjoyed by millions of park guests for decades. For those who enjoy four part harmony the Dapper Dans perform daily on Main Street USA. If you like something with a beat you can catch the Trash Can Trio in the Paradise Pier area. For those into vaudeville, be sure swing by the Golden Horseshoe and see the Stage Door Players perform their version of a spaghetti western. And one of the newest offerings is on Buena Vista Street in the form of Five & Dime, a swinging good time with music and dancing.
Synergy. The Disney Company has taken the simple concept of marketing its products to an all time high. When you think about shopping at any major retailer you can't get out of the store without seeing some sort of product that has a Disney character or theme. At Downtown Disney the shops are an excellent example of synergy. Just take a look at the newly remodeled Lego store.
Fantasy. Where else but a Disney park can you go in an adult and immediately become a kid again. I know of no other place where you can fly over London, or go into a diamond mine, or visit Pleasure Island with a little wooden boy. Spin out on a tea cup or have a real tea party with a mad hatter whenever you feel like it. Or for those that are feeling extra powerful, see if you can pull a magic sword out of a stone.
Rivers. If you've never been down the mighty Mississippi or traversed any of the great waterways of this country then you have missed some of the most fabulous vistas around. But, if like me, you've traveled aboard the Mark Twain Riverboat you have come very close to that experience. For a few minutes out of your day you too can travel back in time aboard a "classic" riverboat and see what frontier folk of old might have seen. It's worth the journey.
Mountains. Some of the most impressive mountains in the world can be found in the quaint little city of Anaheim, California. Perhaps the largest collections of mountains in such a small area, to be sure. There are mountains with rushing water drops, mountains covered in ice and inhabited by a Yeti, mountains that launch you through outer space, and even a mountain that treats you to a wild train ride in the old west. And you can take all of these adventurous journey in the course of one day. That is if you dare take them at all.
Globetrotting. Not in the mood for speed? Then you may want to take a leisure cruise around the world. Hop aboard a boat and travel around the world. Take a look at the different countries of this big old world through the eyes of its children. It is a wondrous little cruise, and I dare you not to start singing while doing it.
Exploration. If you have ever dreamed of a tomorrow filled with rockets and space ships then you've come to the right place. Here in the land dedicated to the dreams of tomorrow you can ride your own rocket in space, become a space ranger, or try to outrun the evil Empire in a Star Speeder. And, if your the right height, you may even get the chance to become a Jedi and fight with the Dark Lord himself. May the Force Be With You.
Terror. Have you ever wanted to dine in style at the Tip Top Room high atop that old hotel at the end of Hollywood Boulevard? Reservations are being taken now and I hear that there's a line to get in. Only one warning... If your afraid of heights take the stairs. I hear that there may be a few issues with the elevator.
Fireworks. Nobody does better when it come to telling a story in the sky with pyrotechnics. Disney has been doing it now for over 50 years. It started with Fantasy in the Sky, became Magical, and has caused us all to Remember...Dreams Come True. With the 50th Anniversary show Disney pulled out all of the stops and treated us to E-Tickets in the sky. If you've ever wanted to have your heartstrings pulled by an expert you must experience the show at Disneyland.
Food. Over the years the parks have had a reputation for the food served. OK, it's not been a great reputation I admit. However, over the past several years that has all changed. Don't believe me? Then I challenge you to grab a bite at the Hungry Bear Restaurant, The Paradise Garden Grill or stop by Flo's V-8 Cafe for some meatloaf and dessert. The quality of food choices in the parks have increased greatly over the past few years. So, if you insist on popcorn carts and churros you only have yourself to blame.
Parades. Beginning back in 2005, with the 50th Anniversary Parade, Disneyland set a new bar for what a parade should be. They brought back music, characters and fun to the parade routes. And this past year they combined all of those into a Soundsational chance to sing along as well as giving us an opportunity to Play with all of our favorite Pixar Pals. Bravo!
Storytelling. Every part of the Disneyland Resort is about storytelling. In the parks that involves building stories around rides or shows. But outside the parks the storytelling continues. Recent completion of a major renovation at the Disneyland Hotel brought the story of vintage Disneyland to guests staying there. And for those privileged enough to stay at Disney's Grand Californian Hotel & Spa the in depth storytelling stretches from the stained glass entry door all the way past the redwood pool and right out the back door into California Adventure itself.
Wonder. Have you ever just taken time to sit down during your busy day at the park and look around. Doing so presents a person with a sense of wonder that can't be found anywhere else. Take a look at the eyes of the children as they meet Goofy for the first time. Listen to the screams of joy as a family hurtles through the giant loop over on the Pier. Watch the amazed looks on faces all around you as they wonder how all of these amazing things are created. From the Cadillac Range in the south to the hills of ToonTown in the north and somewhere between the Adventures of Winnie the Pooh in the west and the Primeval World to the east lay the makings of wonder. Just let it all soak in.
Transportation. Modes of transportation at the Disneyland Resort vary as much as do the people who take advantage of them. Start with a tram ride from the parking structure and then maybe take a ride on an Omnibus. Maybe you prefer a leisure Grand Circle Tour or Horse Drawn Trolley. You could be in the mood for swift ride in the sky on a Monorail or a raft ride to pirate adventure. Travel back a few decades aboard a Red Car Trolley or race along side friends through Ornament Valley. Whatever means of transportation you decide to take be sure to keep your hands, arms, feet and legs inside the ride vehicle at all time.
Holidays. Winter, Summer, Spring or Fall. No matter the season there is always a holiday that can be translated by Disney. Some of the busiest times of year at the resort revolve around major holidays. Independence Day (July 4th) can bring the parks to a crawl. Halloween turns normal park guests into costume wearing trick-or-treat fiends. And then comes Christmas and New Years with crowds that can rival those of a city wide evacuation. Don't get me wrong, I love the holidays at the resort. I just warn those not familiar with them to be prepared for long lines and crowds. But, if you dare, it will all be worth the trouble for the wonderful way Disney celebrates.
History. If you have a few moments in your day at the park, stop and look for the tributes to history. The entirety of Frontierland is a history lesson if you only look. Fantasyland is a history of European folk tales, and Paradise Pier is a look back at the history of the California Boardwalk. Perhaps one of the most obvious historical references comes from the new Carthay Circle on the recently opened Buena Vista Street. This nod to the theater that premiered Snow White takes us into Disney's own history. Now that's the kind of history that I wish I had learned in school.
Forethought. Walt Disney once stated that Disneyland (and Now California Adventure) would never be complete as long as there was still imagination left in the world. So, Disneyland has always updated over the years. New attractions have been added, whole new lands have been added, and in the last decade a whole new park was created in the old parking lot. Even that new park has been updated and renewed since it opened. Disney is always thinking ahead to what can be plussed out or added. This is what keeps things fresh, and more importantly keeps guests coming back year after year.
Inspiration. Every time I step through the gates of Disneyland or California Adventure I get a sudden rush of inspiration. It's that feeling that I can do anything I set my mind to. I am reminded that Walt Disney had a simple idea which involved making a place that people would enjoy coming to again and again. I am inspired to know that by using ones imagination and talents a wonderful creation can come to life. No matter what I may dream about, no matter how far fetched it may seem, I am inspired to know that it can be made real with the right inspiration.
Magic. There is no other place on the planet that gives me so much hope that magic is real and happens every day. I'm not talking about the kind of magic that makes snow fall on Main Street or fountains dance with color in them. I'm referring to the magic of smiles from a little child as they see Lightning McQueen race around the track in real life. It's the magic of hearing the steam whistle on the Mark Twain as it comes around the river bend and watching aged eyes light up with nostalgia. This magic is what takes a family who haven't been together, due to some form of outside stress, and allows them the quality time to reunite and bond in a whole new way. Magic is created in millions of way, every day. You just have to look for it.
Thrills. They come in many forms. For some its a thrill to swing along while Mickey conducts the orchestra, and for others it may be ducking behind a friend while visiting 999 Happy Haunts. Many people get a thrill doing a square dance with baby tractors or spinning out of control on a cartoon cab. Some of of us just find it thrilling to launch across the pier, up and around a twisting ride and loop. Or it could be a thrill just to sit and watch your youngsters as they ride the majestic horses aboard a classic carousel. Whatever your thrill, no matter your age, you can find it here.
Adaptation. Change can be difficult for some. It can require that we let go of things we no longer need or do something that may cause us great trepidation. Disney has always adapted to the times. Sometimes those adaptations have been slow and gradual and we don't notice them. Sometimes they happen quickly and may startle us, like ripping off a band-aid. Sometimes the changes come and are met with less enthusiasm than we expected, and we must then adapt and change what we have just done. Twenty years ago we might never have thought that an old parking lot would go through so many adaptations. After the last five years we can finally see the results, and we like it. We like it very much.
Cast. This one is personal. Being a cast member myself I get a unique perspective of the parks. I am forever grateful to be able to do what I do, and would not trade my experiences with anybody. Cast members work hard to make Disneyland and Disney California Adventure what they are. We keep the hotels running smoothly so that you have a seamless vacation. We keep the parking lots organized and flowing so that you can get here and back home safely. We dance around in silly costumes, paddle canoes with you, make sure your buckled into your seat, serve you a nourishing lunch, and make sure that your purchase of Mickey Mouse Ears has the right name stitched on it. As a cast member we do this not for a huge paycheck or bonus at the end of the year. It's not the material things that motivate us (most of the time). What we really want, although none of us will ever admit it out loud, is to see you - the guest - having a good time, smiling, and being the kid we know you can be. So, when you're in the parks just remember to relax, let us help make your stay a little more special, and smile to let us know that we are doing it right.

I'm sure that you can come up with a million more things to love, but for me these are some of the most important. If you want to share your list you can drop me a comment.