“To all who come to this happy place; welcome. Disneyland is your land. Here age relives fond memories of the past...and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future. Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams and the hard facts that have created America...with the hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world.” - Walt Disney

Monday, August 6, 2012

Turn Here ... Signs of fun ahead

Turn Here ... Signs of fun ahead

What would a land full of cars be without road signs.

All over Carsland you can find reminders that you are visiting the home of Lightning McQueen and Mater. From street signs to billboards there are many signs to see. Let's race off to look.


All over town are places to shop.

However, there are a few shops just for the residents of Radiator Spings.
We humans aren't allowed in, but we can enjoy the signage.

The Curb Feeler Shop

Sparkys Spark Plugs

The Oil Pan - for a quick lube job

There are also locations to stop and have a bite to eat.
We humans CAN visit these locations

Flo's V8 Cafe

The Cozy Cone Motel

And, You wouldn't want to get turned in the wrong direction.
These directional signs will point the way.

This way to Pacific Wharf & Paradise Pier

For a bug's land follow this path.

Traveling down Cross St. towards a bug's land these signs build anticipation.

Flick invites you on to visit.

Shrink in size? Is this Inner Space?

On the return trip we get Radiator Springs billboards.

5 Miles? Oh right, these are magic Disney miles!

And like lightning... We're there. That was fast.

Wow, all this walking is tireing. I need a break.

 I've had a bit to much organic juice. Those light post look Groovy. 

Look at that gift shop. It must be along Route 66.

 Those liscence plates are all over the building. That's a lot of old cars.

Oh look! This is the thing everybody is waiting for.
Radiator Springs Racers. Let's go get in line.

Well, I'm going for a ride.

Come back next time and we can explore some more.

1 comment:

  1. Delivering messages using digital signage is a form of information board. These signage's convey message for audience. LED signs Perth
